A Knotty Tale of a Mystic Mermaid

Think green-eyed Swedish gal relocates to florida and quickly adapts to the sun and fun as an Hooters girl. Yet over time slinging wings started to dull my once infectious smile. Looking for new direction, I set my sights high in the sky as a licensed Sky Diver! It was there among the clouds where I experienced my first of many spiritual awakenings. A Mystic calling to heal others. However my dream became that of nightmares. An almost fatal accident left me in a Coma! Eventually waking from the 2 week slumber having sustained injuries and had a major hearing loss. Yet I felt as if I was finally LISTENING to the Universe, Source, Chi, Prana, Spirit, God what ever name you wanna give it! I never felt more intone to Spiritual energy and Ive spent years weaving this very magnetic seductive energy throughout my massage. Nu techniques. Ive been head LMT for high-end shop, spas and Dr.s over the years until finally accumulating enough experience and know how to establish my very own private practice and utilizing and pulling from my life lessons and education so I humbly invite you to experience Sensory Overload a Nu- Interactive massage!